Dear Doula:
You have found this page because you have been invited by a current member in good standing to join us as a member of the SLO Doula Connection. All invited doulas must have completed an approved in-person doula training (CAPPA and DONA are automatic - we will discuss the Scope of Practice of your training organization if it is different). Read the following information and terms of membership carefully, as your payment will imply full agreement with them. If you have any questions, please let Terri or Jennifer know and we will be happy to discuss all expectations.
Congratulations and Welcome!
Terri Woods, CLD & Jennifer Kinnear, CD(DONA)
Our Mission:
Membership Benefits:
Your $75 annual membership fee gives you as a participating doula the following benefits:
Solid reputation of the SLO Doula Connection in SLO County
Personalized Website listing and business cards as part of the SLO Doula Connection
Back-up availability with Terri and Jennifer (and other Connection relationships as they form)
Quarterly meetings for continuing education, which will be available to members for a discounted $10 fee.
Shared marketing benefit through 3 marketing projects this coming year
Discounted consultation time with SLO Doula Connection Mentors
Please put in your email address book, read your emails and turn on notifications for the private Facebook page in order to keep in touch with SLO Doula Connection events and relevant education or posts. You will be added to the private Facebook page upon membership, and the public page is open at
We may also post upcoming events on this private page in the future.
Payable on or around Mother’s Day in May, annual membership. For those starting membership at other times of the year, partial year memberships will be pro-rated at $6 per month or partial month.
You can purchase your $70 annual membership one of three ways, AFTER YOU HAVE READ THIS PAGE IN FULL AND AGREE:
Through PayPal link (The link will go to Terri's Blessed Childbirth business for now, but you will be credited to the SLO Doula Connection =)
At a Doula Connection meeting--Credit cards, cash, or check.
Checks should be made out to Terri Woods.
Mail a check to Terri: PO Box 1944, Paso Robles, CA93447.
Initial Listings:
Doulas are responsible for providing a biography in keeping with others on the site.
Recommended is this YouTube bio-writing video and corresponding worksheet by Akilah Richards:
Use the worksheet as a rough and then write a final short paragraph along with a non-cell phone headshot and send to Jennifer Kinnear via email to:
Jennifer will assist you with your bio and then submit your headshot to her husband Guy, a professional artist who will provide a sketch of you complementing the website design. You will receive a paypal invoice from Guy for $15 for this service.
Mentor Note from Terri: Love Wins! Aggressive self-promotion or competitive bios will be returned for a re-write. We are in this together as we remember that there are clients who are a good match for everyone, but not everyone is a good match…. If you are not feeling the connection with a client yourself, now you have other doula members to refer to and to back up for their births! It has been the value of the SLO Doula Connection to be supportive of each other, and then it all works out for each of us. Let us know how we can help to continue this way – the community notices too!
Listing Pricing:
The history of the Doula Connection has been to research a reasonable price for our services, based on experience and on what the market will bear. Consistency within experience and certification tiers benefits doulas and encourages them to continue to seek more training and experience! As the market as changed, the prices have risen.
There is a suggested price for clients obtained through the Doula Connection listing. As you have your own businesses and other benefits you offer, it is suggested that you use this as a base price for a standard doula package and then add extra value items as your client may desire.
Added Package Example: prenatal yoga, licensed massage, additional childbirth education or postpartum services, birth photography, belly casts or other art.
Reduced Price Example: since there is a set price even for new doulas, any doula may offer a further discount if they would like. Or discounts for family, or for pro-bono clients who have really limited circumstances. I do not recommend that you do births without even a small fee to cover your expenses for gas/childcare etc, but I do recommend that you let your clients know that they are receiving a big discount for a valuable service.
For the 2017 Membership year:
$450 Student Doula (In-person workshop completed but no births yet attended).
$500 Trained Doula (In-person workshop with at least one birth reviewed with a Mentor)
$750 Certified Doula (Workshop, Cert births & Steps completed and Cert current)
$950 Experienced Doula (All of the above, plus Childbirth Educators & 30+ births)
$1500 Doula Trainer (All above, plus Faculty for Training Org, 300+ births)
The listings will be by tier, and then alphabetical order.
Terms of Membership Requirements:
The SLO Doula Connection is a listing and referral service only, and not an employment service—doulas do not work for the administration of the SLO Doula Connection, and the SLO Doula Connection is thus held harmless for the actions of any member doula.
All doulas invited to join the SLO Doula Connection must have proof of attendance at an in-person Doula Training Workshop presented by a reputable Doula Training organization with a Scope of Practice and Code of Conduct which allies closely with the values of CAPPA (Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association) or DONA (Doulas of North America), but not limited to those organizations. The decision of the administration to decline to issue an invitation to join the SLO Doula Connection to holders of certificates from other organizations is final, but may be mitigated if a workshop meeting these standards is subsequently successfully completed.
Payment of membership dues is your agreement to abide by the following:
Members are expected to maintain their own legal and ethical business practices as per their doula training and to have a contract and a backup doula for each birth accepted. In addition, the SLO Doula Connection requests that you abide by the CAPPA Code of Conduct and Labor Doula Scope of Practice. For those doulas who have attended a doula training workshop other than CAPPA, your own Scopes of Practice and Codes of Conduct are the same or similar, and you are also expected to continue to follow those guidelines. Ask the SLO Doula Connection administration if you have any questions.
Members are expected to abide by the following Doula Scope of Practice, which may be the same or similar to the Code of Conduct they received at their initial doula training workshop, i.e., DONA has similar requirements:
Members are expected to abide by the following CAPPA Code of Conduct, which may be the same or similar to the Code of Conduct they received at their initial doula training workshop, i.e., DONA has similar requirements:
Members are expected to abide by the following CAPPA Social Media Policy, which may be the same or similar to the Social Media Policy they received at their initial doula training workshop, i.e., DONA may have similar requirements
Members are expected to abide by the following Grievance Policy, which may be the same or similar to the Code of Conduct they received at their initial doula training workshop, i.e., DONA has similar requirements:
Used with Permission by CAPPA
(Ask Terri if you would like to attend the local CAPPA Labor Doula Training Workshop!) About CAPPA: CAPPA is an international certification organization for Doulas, Childbirth Educators and Lactation Educators. Since our foundation in 1998, we have certified thousands of perinatal professionals. As one of the first and most comprehensive perinatal organizations in the world, CAPPA is respected for its longevity and its commitment to excellence in both education and unsurpassed student and member support. Choosing an organization for your education is an important decision. CAPPA offers stability that you can be confident in as you invest in your education and career.
The Certified Labor Doula
CAPPA Labor Doulas fill an important role in providing emotional, physical, and evidence-based, informational support to the birthing woman and her family before, during, and after birth.
How CAPPA Labor Doulas work with families
The Labor Doula works with families during pregnancy, during labor and in the birth process, and in the immediate postpartum time, offering support, encouragement, information, comfort, and referrals as needed. Labor Doulas can be found working in the community in private practice, in cooperatives, as part of groups or agencies, as well as serving in various community programs.
How CAPPA Labor Doulas work within the healthcare system
Labor Doulas are skilled support persons who act as consultants and resources, not clinicians. They therefore work with the healthcare system by encouraging and promoting excellent communication between the birthing woman and the health care team, encouraging informed decision making and self-advocacy, supporting the choices of the birthing woman, providing non-clinical comfort techniques, and offering appropriate referrals when their observance or counseling uncovers situations that require healthcare attention or support.
Clinical Limitations of CAPPA Labor Doulas
CAPPA Labor Doulas are non-clinical professionals. CAPPA Labor Doula courses do not qualify a professional to act as a midwife or midwifery assistant, as any alternative medicine provider, or as any medical care provider. Labor Doulas do not diagnose medical conditions, perform clinical procedures, prescribe or administer treatment for medical conditions, make medical decisions for the birthing woman, or direct families to act against medical advice.
CAPPA does not train its certified professionals to prescribe, perform, or provide complementary/alternative therapies including, but not limited to, essential oils, placenta medicine, herbal treatments, etc. CAPPA professionals do not prescribe, perform, or provide alternative/complimentary therapies as part of their role as a CAPPA certified professional. Those who are trained, certified, licensed, or a recipient of a degree in these therapies are required to present these services as separate from their role as a CAPPA certified professional.
CAPPA Labor Doulas:
Provide non-biased emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, labor and the birth process, and the immediate postpartum period
Work closely with the birthing woman and her family as she explores her values and needs surrounding birth
Encourage the birthing woman to seek care and a place of birth that reflects her values and needs
Assist in the preparation of birth preferences to facilitate communication with the birth team
Model, teach, and encourage effective communication
Encourage informed decision making
Provide information on birth options and resources
Provide the woman with non-medical comfort techniques for labor, such as positions and movement, comforting touch, visualization, breathing techniques, and affirmation
Seek to foster a cooperative, respectful, and positive atmosphere with the birth team
Provide support to the birthing woman’s partner or family
Support and assist initial breastfeeding
Assist the mother in processing her birth experience
Answer general questions about newborn care and breastfeeding
Refer to healthcare professionals when support requires clinical assessment, a need for prescription, or medical diagnosis
The CAPPA Labor Doula is not a clinician and therefore does not:
Diagnose medical conditions
Perform clinical procedures
Interpret medical diagnoses or clinical results
Prescribe or administer treatment of medical conditions
Make decisions for the birthing woman
Speak for the birthing woman
Attend births that are intentionally unassisted by qualified medical professionals SLODC NOTE: DONA discourages but does not ban this – SLODC requires that you do not attend unassisted births. Ask for help in communicating the importance of medical attendance if you engage in a client who is requesting this…often referral to a compatible licensed homebirth midwife is what is needed.
Prescribe, perform, or provide alternative/complimentary therapies including, but not limited to, essential oils, placenta medicine, herbal treatments, etc. as part of the role of a CAPPA certified professional* ******(SLODC NOTE: NON-MEDICAL COMFORT techniques are in your scope, such as comforting touch, comforting smells or other non-internal support to the woman’s primary senses of sight, sound, or taste, as these support her birthing hormones without known harm. You must be trained/licensed in other complementary and alternative techniques if you administer herbs, or essential oils, homeopathy, or any other substance taken internally and/or applied to the skin – in order to offer these in separate contract to SLODC Approved Contract;
Doula Connection (SLODC) professionals should treat all colleagues in an ethical, professional, and respectful manner at all times. SLODC Doulas should strive to promote ethical conduct within the profession and model it for others.
SLODC Professionals should demonstrate integrity and ethical standards in their personal and professional conduct. This extends not only to clients, but to colleagues in their field and to medical and other caregivers with whom the SLODC Professional may interact.
SLODC Professionals will make every effort to honor agreements and contacts for professional services, and to provide without fail the services that they agree to provide. SLODC Professionals are strongly urged to use signed contracts for all services agreed upon and provided (using the Scope of Practice and Code of Conduct as guides; if in doubt about the contract, contact one of your SLODC administrators or mentors)
SLODC Professionals will not divulge confidential information received in a professional capacity from their clients, nor compromise a client’s confidentiality either directly or through the use of internet media such as Facebook, Instagram, or blogs.
SLODC Professionals will not say or do anything to undermine a client’s confidence in her medical caregiver. They may, however, refer the client to published studies and reasonably current books, as well as provide information requested by clients. The client can then form her own opinion.
SLODC Professionals are not permitted to give medical advice, nor practice outside their specific Scope of Practice. If requested, they can refer clients to published article, research, and scholarly works.
SLODC Professionals should make every effort to encourage their clients to assume personal responsibility for the decisions they make during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
SLODC Professionals must be available via communication/mobile device at all times when they are contracted to be so. SLODC Professionals are expected to provide timely response to all communications from clients, whether phone or email, and to provide clients with means to reach them in a timely manner.
SLODC Professionals should pursue (AND SHARE!) relevant and evidence-based continuing education to further their knowledge in the childbirth and postpartum professions.
SLODC Professionals should conduct themselves in a professional manner in all online communications that are accessible by other professionals and the public. This includes, but is not limited to:
lient confidentiality should be maintained at all times.
Any pictures of clients or babies should be posted ONLY with the express, written consent of the client, and the post should mention this permission.
Respect for colleagues, institutions, and other professionals (whether general categories or specific occupations or persons) should be maintained at all times.
All grievances against SLODC professionals, trainers, and representatives must be in writing, signed, and submitted to the administrators with a detailed account of the event or behavior in question, including any witnesses or physical evidence. The complaint must be filed within one year of the occurrence and mailed to
Terri Woods PO Box 1944, Paso Robles, CA 93447
In the event the grievance is against Terri Woods, contact Jennifer Kinnear for direction.
If a grievance is received :
(*Note, we have not had a formal complaint in all four years fo existence, which is attributed to adherence to our Scope of Practice & Code of Conduct and to the quality individuals who have been part of the Doula Connection for years =)
The SLODC Professional subject to the grievance will be notified in written communication via text, email or mail within 10 days of receipt and a time and date for a meeting will be set as quickly as possible. The meeting will be comprised of the SLODC Professional and her chosen representative/witness, the administrators of the SLODC (*currently Terri Woods and Jennifer Kinnear) and their chosen witness/representative. The SLODC Professional may not contact the complainant in any way during the process. The administrators will make every effort to be fair and impartial and to determine the best adjudication of the issue, which will be FINAL. Actions may be dismissed as unfounded, or the SLODC Professional may be counseled with re-training, and put on probation for a determined time, or may be dropped from membership with a refund pro-rated for the remainder of the membership year.
ALL SLODC Professional members must agree to this system of accountability prior to becoming or remaining a member of the SLO Doula Connection, and agree to abide by the decisions of the administrators, with no right to sue for damages. Members are not employees and they are listed or referred at the discretion of the administrators.
This grievance policy is essential in order to maintain the professional credibility and good community reputation of the SLO Doula Connection. SLODC Professionals must at all times demonstrate professional behavior and ethics according to the preceding Scope of Practice, Code of Conduct, Social Media Policy, and Grievance Policy.
* Please note that the doula’s training organization may also take action on any grievance or violation of the Scope of Practice or Code of Conduct, per the policy agreed to during the initial doula training workshop.
Payment of annual membership denotes agreement with this document and terms and conditions.